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Try to not look at the keyboard. It will be difficult at first, but as you progress through the exercises, you will find it becomes easier and your fingers will begin to move without you consciously deciding which finger is associated with which key.
As you learn to type, look above the keyboard to see which finger to use. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake – if you do, the program will show you the correct key to use. If the key is right, it indicates green, if it is wrong - then red.
Immediately try to introduce newly acquired knowledge as part of your daily activities on the computer, there is no better way how to learn typing.
Set up a schedule. Unless you establish a schedule for learning, it is all too easy to find an excuse for not practicing.
Keep an eye on the number of mistakes you make and concentrate on reducing your mistakes in future tests rather than increasing your typing speed. The end result will be increased productivity.
You may find it helpful to quietly say the name of the key as you strike it. Don't let your mistakes cause you to lose heart; touch typing is a skill that can be learned by practice.
Be patient. Once the correct finger-keystroke patterns are learned, speed and accuracy occur naturally.
Move only the finger needed to strike a key. Do not allow other fingers to wander away from their assigned home row keys.
Your fingers should be on the home row keys and your hands should slant at the same angle as the keyboard. Do not let your wrists become lazy and rest against the desk or the keyboard.
Practice each exercise several times until you are satisfied with your typing skills.
Don't bang on the keys. Try to use as little force as possible. Relax between words by resting all ten fingers on the surface of the keys.
To rest a hand without activating keys, drop all five fingers simultaneously anywhere on the keyboard surface.
Tap each key's symbol lightly but crisply with one finger at a time, taking care not to accidentally tap unintended keys.
To activate auto-repeat, touch and hold one finger on the desired key. Lift the finger to stop auto-repeat.
Typing games are a fun way to improve your typing speed and accuracy. Have fun while you learn!
The finger coordination exercises and stress reducing exercises will help reduce tension and they often put a smile on your face. A happy disposition and a pleasant environment can help make learning fun.
Ensure you allow at least 30 minutes for each lesson.
Ensure that you keep your fingers as close to the home position as possible and minimize your hand movements while you are learning.
Learning to type is all about making mistakes, so don't get discouraged if you hit the wrong key.
Try to type with a constant speed.
Lifting your wrists will help ensure your fingers can spring down and hit the keys quickly and accurately.
To switch between upper/lower case use always the opposite hand. Note: the letters on some laptop keyboards can be closer together.
Check your distance from the keyboard. Adjust your chair to avoid a common problem - sitting too close to the keyboard. Adjust the angle of your monitor to minimize glare.
The more you practice, the better you will type and increase your speed.
Unless you know exactly where a letter or a number key is, you would not be able to type it without looking down at the keyboard.
If possible, try practicing on a regular keyboard and not a laptop keyboard.
Be comfortable with your keyboard and make sure it is at the right height for your fingers.
Before you begin the typing speed test make sure you are sitting up straight, your feet flat on the floor. Keep your elbows close to your body, your wrists straight and your forearms level and remember to take regular breaks.
Relaxing exercises: Spread the fingers of both hands far apart. Hold for five seconds, then relax. Repeat for a total of three times.
Be sure to measure your typing speed periodically - with our tool you can check your progress in both speed and accuracy as you learn. The number of words per minute indicates your typing level.
Typing tests measure two things, speed and mistakes, so when you take our typing speed test, do not look only at your speed.
If the keyboard is too high (chair too low) errors tend to occur in the top keyboard rows. If the keyboard is too low (chair too high) errors tend to occur on the bottom keyboard rows.
Relaxing exercises: Have your hand placed in a position similar to the wrist extension, gently apply pressure using the other hand to the extended thumb in a back and downward direction. Hold for five seconds and relax. Repeat this three times per hand.
It may require a week or two to get to the speed of ~50 words per minute if you practice 30-60 minutes every day. Be patient.
Stretch your wrists and fingers before starting a typing test.
If you want to make typing easier, you should improve your dexterity. It helps if you play guitar or another instrument that requires your hands.
Relaxing exercises: Stretch both arms outwards with fingers together and draw a circle with your hands, rotating them at the wrist. Five circles in one direction, then five in the opposite direction.
Chat with friends and family.
Finish each lesson, then try a speed test.
When learning to type, it is very important that you stick to a steady schedule of practice or your fingers will start to lose their muscle memory.
Relaxing exercises: Hold your arms outward with palms facing down. Raise the hands up as though you were telling someone to stop. Using the opposite hand, apply pressure to the palm of the raised hand. Hold pressure for five seconds, then relax. Repeat for a total of three times per hand.
If you learn to type fast while looking at the keyboard, you will continue to have a difficult time with spelling mistakes and dictation when you go out into real world typing situations because you will not be able to see the mistakes on the screen.
Drape a hand towel over your hands while you type.
Start slow and learn the entire keyboard before you learn to type fast.
If typing causes you pain, stop immediately and take a break.
If you are learning in a working environment, try to negotiate with your employer for a quiet time of the day to dedicate to your studies - your employer will directly benefit from your new skills.
It is desirable to avoid staying in one position for extended periods. Break up your day by alternating tasks when possible.
It may help you to use an alarm to remind yourself to take a break from your keyboard.
Relaxing exercises: Hold your arm outward, with the palm facing down. Drop the hand downward at the wrist. Using the palm of the opposite hand, apply pressure to the back of the dropped hand. Hold pressure for five seconds, then relax. Repeat three times per hand.
As computer use has increased both at work and home in recent years Repetitive Strain Injury has become associated with keyboard use.
To reduce your risk of developing overuse injuries you should follow best practices in posture, technique, workstation set-up and take regular breaks.
Your wrist, elbows and keyboard should be on the same horizontal plane and at a 90 degree angle to your upper arms. The top of your screen should be near eye level.
Don't look at the keyboard when you type. Just slide your fingers around until they find the home row markings. Don't hammer on the keys. Try using as little force as possible.
Success and improvement depend on your determination to stick with touch typing after you have finished learning. For those who might hesitate, consider that you will more than recover the learning time in a few weeks from increased productivity.
You should also learn to use the main keys together with the Ctrl and Alt keys - this is very useful for keyboard shortcuts.
Practicing in real life situations is a great way to further enhance your skills and build your confidence.
Schedule regular practice with 'Speed tests' to improve your typing speed.

Hvussu nertaskriving hjálpir tær við multiteknikk

Nertaskriving er ein grundleggjandi færd, ið kann styrkja ikki bert arbeiðsháttin, men eisini evnini at handfara fleiri uppgávur samstundis – kallast multiteknikk. Her eru nøkur av teimum týdningarmiklu mátunum, hvussu nertaskriving hjálpir tær við at duga betri við at samstundis handfara fleiri uppgávur.

Betri fokus og koncentratión

Við at læra nertaskriving, lærir tú at skriva við einum jamnum og effektivum rytma uttan at hyggja á tastaturið. Hetta styrkir evnið at halda fokus á eina uppgávu, meðan tú eisini arbeiðir við fleiri tingum. Evnið at skriva uttan distrakking fer at styrkja konsentrasjónina og minka um kensluna av at verða yvirveldaður, sum ofta kemur við at arbeiða við fleiri uppgávum.

Raskari viðgerð av uppgávum

Nertaskriving ger tað møguligt at skriva skjótari og meira nøjaktig. Hetta fer at betra um effektivitetin, so tú hevur meiri tíð til at handfara aðrar uppgávur. Við einum hægri skrivihastum og minni avbøttum feilum, kanst tú skipa og arbeiða við fleiri uppgávum á einum tíma.

Betri multitasking evni

Nertaskriving styrkir evnið at halda eitt jamnt ritma og arbeiða við fleiri tingum samstundis. Tá tú kanst skriva effektivt við einum jamnum teknikk, fær tú meiri frið til at fokusera á aðrar uppgávur, sum krevja mentalan og praktiskan arbeiði. Hetta er týdningarmikið, tá tú arbeiðir við stórum og broytandi uppgávum.

Betri tíðarlok

Við at venja nertaskriving, læra tú at arbeiða við einari hægri effektivitet. Hetta fer at minka um tíðarlok, tí tú sleppur undan at brúka ov nógv tíð til at skriva og kunnu leggja meiri orku í aðrar uppgávur. Hetta førir til betri evni at handfara fleiri uppgávur í einum avmarkaðum tíðarligi.

Minka um distrakking og feil

Nertaskriving ger tað lættari at arbeiða uttan at gerast distraheraður av tekniska partinum av skriviháttinum. Við minni distrakking og færri feil, kanst tú handfara fleiri uppgávur samstundis við meiri konsentrasjón. Hetta styrkir eisini evnið at arbeiða við fleiri arbeiðsuppgávum í einum tíðarliga.

Bættri arbeiðsfløttur

Nertaskriving fremur ein betri arbeiðsfløttur við at minka um tíð, sum tú brúkar til at skriva og fáa fleiri uppgávur útgjørdar í einum tíðarliga. Hetta gevur meiri yvirlit og betri evni at planleggja og handfara fleiri arbeiðs- og livingsuppgávur samstundis.

Samlað, við at menna nertaskriving færdina, fer tú at styrkja evnið at handfara fleiri uppgávur samstundis. Nertaskriving hjálpir við at betra fokus, økja effektivitet, styrkja multitasking evnir, minka um tíðarlok, og forða fyri distrakking og feil. Hetta fer at fremja ein meira samansettan og effektivan arbeiðsviðurskiftir, sum er týdningarmikil í einum krevjandi og skjótum heimi.